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FameEX Hot Topics | Australian Regulatory Authority Declares Cryptocurrency a Debenture Subject to Oversight

2024-04-18 16:49:20

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has reiterated its stance on cryptocurrencies, asserting that they qualify as debentures and therefore fall under regulatory oversight. Joe Longo, the chairman of ASIC, emphasized the regulated status of cryptocurrencies in Australia during an interview on Sky News. He clarified that although the sector isn't fully regulated, the classification of cryptocurrencies as debentures brings them within ASIC’s purview.

Longo's comments come in the wake of his recent advice urging Australians to be cautious about investing their superannuation funds in cryptocurrencies. This caution stems from ASIC's broader concern about the lack of understanding among investors about the risks associated with cryptocurrency investments. The ASIC chairman highlighted that many investors do not fully comprehend the intricacies of what they are investing in, which can lead to significant risks.

During the interview, Longo also touched upon the Australian Federal Court's recent decision to dismiss civil proceedings initiated by ASIC against Finder Wallet. ASIC had argued that the Finder Earn product was offered without the necessary license, thereby lacking critical consumer protections. The product was eventually withdrawn from the market, but ASIC has decided to appeal the court's decision, underscoring the regulator’s commitment to ensuring that financial products related to cryptocurrencies comply with existing legal frameworks.

Longo explained the rationale behind the appeal, stating, "We think it’s a debenture and the trial judge took a different view. Reasonable minds can differ, but as the regulator, we see it as a debenture, and if it is, it's regulated. They didn’t have a license, and we want to send a strong message to the industry that they need to be very careful about how they promote or package up some crypto or digital asset-related investments and think they’re not regulated because they may very well be."

The ASIC chairman also expressed his concerns about the increasing incidents of crypto fraud globally, noting that cryptocurrency transactions are often linked to money laundering and other criminal activities. This association heightens the need for a stringent regulatory approach to protect consumers and maintain the integrity of the financial system.

Despite these challenges, Longo assured that ASIC would remain vigilant in monitoring the cryptocurrency market and continue to issue public warnings to educate and protect investors. The regulator's ongoing efforts aim to ensure that the burgeoning field of digital assets does not become a haven for financial malpractice but rather a well-regulated component of Australia’s financial landscape.

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