FameEX completed the Integration of SPACE ID SDK
2024/10/07 19:53:45Dear FameEX Users, FameEX has partnered with SPACE ID to launch the Web3 Name SDK, facilitating integration with their collaborative projects and promoting ecosystem development. With the introduction of the SPACE ID SDK, all FameEX users' will have access to a multi-chain name service, making it easier to build and create web3 identities. FameEX aims to enhance user experience and bolster security measures. Digital identities have proven to be invaluable assets, granting users greater controls over their digital identities and assets. Through the integration, FameEX users can now withdraw assets to web3 name addresses (including .bnb and .arb names), streamlining the withdrawal process and improving the overall interactive experience. Thank you for your understanding and support! FameEX Team October 07, 2024